Environmental and Biodiversity Policy

Morehouse Foods Canada believes that managing the environmental issues related to its food processing industrial activities is a fundamental responsibility of the company.

Morehouse Foods Canada intends to deploy the necessary means to not only comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations and other applicable requirements to which it subscribes, but also to continuously improve its environmental performance.

Morehouse Foods Canada is committed to implementing various environmental initiatives through the following commitments:

  1. 1. Protect the environment and prevent pollution: Reduce the impacts generated by its activities through better management of industrial environmental issues, including improving energy efficiency and enhanced water and waste management.
  2. 2. Collaboration with stakeholders: Collaborate with all its key stakeholders regarding environmental initiatives and issues.
  3. 3. Employee mobilization: Increase employee awareness to ensure their support in the implementation of the policy.
  4. 4. Management responsibility: Define environmental responsibility at the management level, thereby ensuring commitment to the implementation of the policy.
  5. 5. Environmental committee: Create an environmental committee with the establishment of a structure to coordinate the development, implementation, and monitoring of the industrial environmental issues management plan.
  6. 6. Environmental performance: Use indicators to implement measurable objectives and evaluate environmental performance on an annual basis.

Karina Massicotte
President, CEO